Thursday 14 February 2013

Oh No Its Valentine's Day!!

Oh no! Its Valentine's Day today...A day where lovers get mushy, & the singles get extra EMO. Just login to facebook and you will agree with me,Though I must admit, not all behave that way but most of them do. I personally feel that Valentine's Day is wayyy overrated. I mean come on, its the only day where the price of flowers, chocs, teddy bears etc are just plain ridiculous. Why on earth would you buy your loved one  a bouquet of flowers that cost a fortune only to have it wilt and die a few days later?  If you are confessing your undying love to someone special then why get her something that dies eventually?? The same goes for chocolates..why get something that the other half can't keep?
Romance 24 Roses Bouquet
Courtesy of GOOGLE

Courtesy of GOOGLE
Anyways having said that, I am not in anyway against Valentine's Day..I think its a beautiful celebration of LOVE but please don't confine your love to just your other half.  What about your family? You know, the people that actually raised you up?? Well yeah show them some love too. Instead of spending hundreds on a person that you may or may not see again next year, why don't you spend that money and time with your family? Or better still why not mix the both? If you are serious about your other half then isn't it the best time to introduce him/her to the family? And don't forget your friends. They have been there for you at your darkness moments, they know your deepest, darkest secrets and yet they are still your friends so why not show them some LOVE too?
And those of you who have been whining about how it sucks to be single on This Day well suck it up! What is so wrong in being single on Valentine's?? Just because you've got no one to buy you gifts doesn't mean your life sucks. Show yourself some LOVE lah...treat yourself to a good time for having overcome all the obstacles in your life so far..It may be a blessing that you are single on a Valentine this year. Think about it, you could have been stuck in a unhappy relationship.. So give yourself some credit & go and have some fun doing things you enjoy! Don't want to do it alone? Well grab all your single friends along then...Im sure there are plenty of singletons out there and who knows you might just meet someone special as well  ;)

So Happy Valentine's Day and remember its a day for the Celebration of LOVE so get out there and celebrate it! :)
 Desktop Backgrounds · Wallpaper PC · Holiday 
 Love pictures - Valentine day background
Courtesy of GOOGLE

As for me, well I'll be celebrating LOVE with a beautiful dinner with family like I do every year.


1 comment:

  1. i was here. lotsa love.

    Your Coussie (:
